International Students Admission Apply
國立臺北教育大學 National Taipei University of Education
Important Notice
Due to the typhoon hitting Taiwan, if work and classes are suspended on July 24 or 25 because of the typhoon, the announcement of results will be postponed to 30th July accordingly. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

 Registration Process MUST be completed online from 4th July, 2024 to 18th July, 2024.

※ 2024年外國學生申請入學第2次招生簡章於2024年6月12日公告:

※ 本校招生資訊網站

【申請日期/Application Dates】
 From 4th July, 2024 to 18th July, 2024 (Registration Process MUST 
 be completed online.) (All the files should Scan then Upload.)

 Applicants are required to meet the latest "Regulations Regarding 
 International Students Undertaking Studies in Taiwan" by the 
 Ministry of Education.
 ** 本申請系統僅供國際學位生申請,僑生與港澳生聯招(請洽海外聯招會及陸生(請洽陸生聯招會,請勿於此系統申請。
    This application system is only for International Students, 
    NOT for Overseas Chinese Students (including Macau and 
    Hong Kong), or Mainland Chinese Students.

【申請學歷/Applicants' Education Background】
   An applicant applying to doctoral programs must have completed
   Master's Program or above.

【申請費用/Application Fees】
 $1,200 NTD ($40 USD) per department.
 ** 費用一經繳納,概不退還。考生不得以取消申請、資格不符或誤報系組等理由申請
    The fees are not refundable even under situations like 
    cancellation of 4 the application, disqualification, or 
    application errors. Those who do not pay the application 
    fees will not have their applications processed.
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